Causes and essential tremor treatments

Essential tremors are basically nervous system disorders which cause rhythmic shaking of various body parts. That's right, they can affect any part of our body, but it occurs mostly in our hands. This can make it difficult for people to perform simple tasks like drinking, tying their shoelaces, shaving or even writing. They may also affect your voice, head, legs or arms.

Even though this isn't a dangerous condition, they do get worse with time and may even get very severe in some cases. It is not related to any other diseases even though it is sometimes confused with a similar disease, Parkinson's. They can occur in people of any age but most commonly occur in people above the age of 40.

Almost half of these cases occur because of genetic mutations. This is why it is also called a familial tremor. It isn't exactly clear how essential tremors are formed in people that don't have these mutations though.

Research has shown that there are certain parts of the brain which may cause these tremors.

In order to properly diagnose this disorder, doctors will first have to go through your medical history as well as your family history for any signs of the disease. They will also perform a physical examination & check for symptoms.

There are no specific tests which can be taken to diagnose these tremors. The diagnosis of this disease is usually done by ruling out all other conditions that may have similar symptoms. There are a few exams which doctors might suggest for this:

1. They may ask you to conduct a blood & urine test for thyroid disease, metabolic problems, alcohol levels, drug side effects and any chemicals which may cause such tremors.

2. They may also ask you to perform some self-tests in order to determine how severe the tremor is including drinking water, writing, drawing a spiral, holding your arms out, etc.

People that have these tremors may not need to go in for any treatments if the symptoms aren't too prominent. But if it is making it difficult for them to perform regular day to day activities then perhaps you should consider treatment.

There are many natural essential tremor treatments available nowadays although Tremoraid supplements tend to be the best choice for anyone who wants to suppress the symptoms effectively without having to deal with any side effects. So what are you waiting for? Try Tremoraid today.